Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Going out in Mantyhose

When you go out in mantyhose...

Our article with colour photographs shows a fashionable design to follow.

One may say it's too early to show the world than a man can wear mantyhose in style, as part of a regular outfit.

Others will just do it and go out with friends. No, we can't give you any advices regards this. But we can show you how we imagine it... read more on e-MANcipate.net , the hosiery fashion magazine for men

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Emilio Cavallini unisex pantyhose (mantyhose) at e-MANcipate.net

Introduced in 2009, high-end Italian fashion hosiery manufacturer Emilio Cavallini started a unisex tights / pantyhose (mantyhose) product line.

Chan Kraemer's e-MANcipate is the first mainstream fashion magazine to review the products in a series of articles, with exclusive photos by Banzak.

Fashion magazine e-MANcipate was founded in 2003 for mainstreaming pantyhose for men / mantyhose.

It has a faithful reader base amongst men who like to wear pantyhose / mantyhose and it has a
regular coverage in the mainstream offline and online media, providing an excellent base for manufacturers who want to advertise mantyhose or other hosiery products.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chan Kraemer shows the white mantyhose
wear white patterned pantyhose this way to remain elegant but not conservative
Photos by Banzak / e-MANcipate.net

Chan shows how to wear white mantyhose / pantyhose for men with style in this article at e-MANcipate.net, the leading male hosiery fashion magazine.

Read more: http://www.e-mancipate.net/-pantyhose-style-and-fashion-for-men/202-white-striped-mantyhose

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Mantyhose / Pantyhose for Men website at http://www.e-MANcipate.net

The new year starts with an improved website at the "Mantyhose Fashion Center" (http://www.e-mancipate.net) and also with an exclusive set of images about high-end Italian hosiery brand Emilio Cavallini's unisex tights.

e-MANcipate founder Chan Kraemer is to announce 2010 'The year of the Mantyhose' as he expects to reach critical mass in the hosiery industry soon.

Chan Kraemer is also to launch his exclusive brand of male pantyhose / mantyhose this year.